A website 100% about the Bach Cello Suites! by Marianne Dumas

History and FAQ about the BACH CELLO Suites

A unique project!


Berlin 1752

 Some move the bow as it is customary on the viola da gamba, that is, instead of a down-stroke from left to right for the principal notes, they make an up-stroke from right to left, beginning from the tip of the bow."

J. J. Quantz, Berlin, 1752 

(about the cellists)

Berlin 2018

Historical research, instrument set-up research, a new urtext edition, and a recording. Project made in Berlin. The revival of a lost technique, a new sound.

content contribution?

If you would like to participate by submiting an article, add a recording to the listing, share your research, do not hesitate to send a message.

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